
We offer tailor-made coaching for every customer and every session that You attend. Lets deep-dive and sharpen your inner compass.


Individual Coaching

We offer Coaching in 1:1 meetings, online, and via telephone.

Oavsett vilket som fungerar bäst för dig finns det möjligheter att skräddarsy våra möten på. Detta gör det möjligt att samarbeta över de annars geografiskt begränsade områdena. Många av våra klienter samarbetar vi med och har våra coachsessioner över telefon. En del via skype, zoom, teams eller liknande. Det som är minst representerat är de fysiska mötena. 
Gör en intresseanmälan så återkopplar vi snarast för ett första förutsättningslöst möte.


References & Feedback

My experience of the team in GROW goes "waaay back", I am so grateful for the decision I made several years ago to "take hold of myself" & what a difference it is to see life before and for me life after & what constantly ongoing journey it is. I am just as grateful for this super team that helped me where I am today, both privately and professionally.

Janet A

Language pedagogue

Yes, what should I say?
Joy. challenging, scary, amazing, different ... There's so much that comes to me in this moment. It has really been one of the greatest things I have done in my life. I met them because my employer decided it & was first averse to it. BUT yyyy what I very quickly changed my mind and what great rewards I have had since then. Continued with individual sessions & it's vital to me! Not least in my role as a leader.

Anders H


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Use the link below for your registration.
We look forward to hearing from you!
/ Team Grow EC

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